T:020 7226 0221    F:020 7354 1847    E:info@wmciu.org

Club & Institute Union
Established June 14th, 1862

"a non-political federation of over 1600 clubs"

T: 020 7226 0221
F: 020 7354 1847
E: info@wmciu.org

CLUB Membership Benefits

For Individual Membership to CIU select here

There are numerous benefits for a Club to become a member of the CIU

Please view the Membership Booklet for more

The Union's Branches and National Executive members, as well as its staff, have a collective wealth of knowledge and experience which is available to all clubs in membership.

The Union, both nationally and locally, has many years of knowledge and experience - links with local licensing authorities, police and government bodies, and can assist and advise clubs on how best to deal with issues like employment, health and safety requirements, and a myriad of other subjects which clubs now find themselves facing.

The Union is called upon to give the views of private members clubs to many Government departments, most re cently to the Department of Culture Media and Sport in relation to the Licensing and Gambling Acts. The Union's reputation within Government is strengthened by its involvement with the Committee of Registered Clubs Associa tions (CORCA) and the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Non-Profit Making Members Clubs.

Since CORCA's inception the Union has had a leading role in the administration and direction of this lobby group and has forged links with many Members of Parliament. Because of this involvement the Union is able to ensure that Government legislation continues to recognise the unique nature of Union clubs.

•  The opportunity for members to purchase Associate and Pass Cards, in order to be able to visit almost 1,600 affiliated clubs throughout Great Britain.

•  Monthly Journal giving news and views on other clubs and articles of club management and legal advice. 
More information

•The opportunity to attend Branch and National Meetings thus meeting fellow club members and exchanging ideas with other club officials.

•  Regular information from local branch and national offices helping officials run their clubs efficiently.

•  Participating in local, area and national games quizzes and in all types of sports against fellow clubmen. 
More information

•  An Annual Report containing vast amounts of useful information.

•  Participation in local and national seminars and lectures concerning all aspects of club administration.
More information

•  Subsidised trips to race meetings.

•  Beneficial arrangements with breweries, banks and other suppliers through deals registered on behalf of clubs.

•  Opportunities to stand for elections at local or national levels.

•  Up to date information and advice on matters of law affecting clubs.

•  Better relationships with police, local authorities, government bodies etc.

•  Solicitors would be required to help the club with rule changes at a cost of several hundred pounds.  The Union’s Rules Department does this free of charge.

•  Who would organise and pay for arbitrations if the club was not in the Union?

•  Member clubs can purchase all Union publication and stationary from their Branch at competitive rates.

Over the years the knowledge and experience gained by those involved with the
Union has benefited all our members and we hope this will continue for many
years to come.

Please see our FAQ section if you require more information.

If you are interested in becoming a member or would like to know more information
selecet to view our Membership Booklet
call us at
Head Office on 0207 226 0221
use the contact form

See Clubs in your area
for more information or use the search function to find one nearest to you


The Union's Rules Department offers a rule amendment service to member clubs at no cost.
The Union has for many years been recognised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), previously the Financial Services Authority (FSA), as a body with the necessary knowledge and experience to ensure that clubs rules are in line with their regulatory standards. This has resulted in the Union's Rules Department being able to provide a service to member clubs allowing amendments to rules to be registered free of charge.

The Union's National Executive is aware of changes in legislation which may require rule amendments (most re cently rules relating to licensing and audit) ensuring that the appropriate wording meets the FCA's requirements.


The Union's Branches hold regular Council Meetings and disseminate information to their branch clubs on a regular basis.

Local Branch offices circulate clubs in their region with relevant local information and hold regular Branch Council meetings or Branch Lectures where member clubs can gain useful information on legislation which may help them run their club more efficiently. Lectures are given on subjects such as employment law, gaming, arbitrations, all of which can provide useful knowledge to club secretaries or club officials.

•  Club officials can attend Branch and National meetings enabling them to meet with fellow club members and exchange ideas and experience.

•  Branch meetings enable officials to gain knowledge from others with greater or wider experience and also enable members to attend the Annual Conference if nominated as a delegate by their club.

•  Members can stand for election at Branch or National level.

Clubs in membership of the Union give their members the ability to stand for election, not only as a member of the club committee, but also at a Branch or National level. Club officials who value the wider club commu nity have made a valued and long remembered contribution to the well-being of all clubs within the Union, not only their own.


The Union's arbitration service enables member clubs to fulfil their obligations required under their rule book at a minimal cost - something which clubs may find difficult and costly to provide independently.

The introduction of changes in legislation may affect clubs and the way they are monitored. Resources are limited and therefore the Union is unable to advise every member club. However, should an issue have a possible adverse affect for all clubs in membership of the Union then as much assistance as possible is provided. Through the Un ion's network of National Executive representatives and Branch Secretaries, information is filtered through to clubs and officials through the Club Journal, Council Meetings and Branch circulars.


The Union has strong links with the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Non-Profit Making Members ClubS.

The Parliamentary registered All-Party Group has always been a strong supporter of the Union and its member clubs. The Group has been in existence for over 20 years and members of the Group have attended Union func tions, speaking at the Annual Meeting in Blackpool on several occasions.


Officials and members can attend National Schools to keep abreast of legislation and be made aware of the requirements of club officials in areas such as employment, licensing, gambling etc.

The Union is built upon the mutual exchange of information and the Union schools are a great way for club officials or members with a desire to help their club by standing for election to the committee, to gain useful information that they can take back to their club.

The Schools are always friendly and lively venues for debate and discussion where students can gather information and pass on their own experiences in a stimulating environment.

Club member's who wish to become involved in the management of their club can apply to attend and take the Award in Club Management, a recognised and highly respected course covering club law,  accountancy and best practice.


Many clubs have officials who have served the club and its members selflessly for many years and being able to recognise this with one of the Union's Honours gives clubs and members alike a sense of pride and dedication to the club movement.

The Union recognises the services rendered by clubmen and women to their clubs by the award of Certificates and Gold or Silver badges.

Regarding the service qualifications, applications will not be accepted from clubmen and women who have held no office during the preceding five years.Where service has been given to more than one club, details of such service and membership must be stated.

The CIU also provides a Special 50 Year Certificate for those who have been a club official for 50 years. They must hold current union associate/pass cards, positions must be stated within the club rules and need to be verified by the branch.
If you wish for information regarding a particular individual service to be put into the Club Journal, forward the information such as photo/text to:
Cath Fitzpatrick 
253/ 254 Upper Street  
London     N1 1RY

Select the images below to download the forms
Please ensure all applications are sent to Branch Secretaries for verification and then forwarded on to Head Office to await approval from the National Executive Committee

Certification of Merit

Distinguished Service Award

Long Service Award

Registered in England Co.No. IP02766R
FCA Mutuals Public Register

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T:020 7226 0221    F:020 7354 1847    E:info@wmciu.org